YBR Hip Release Party – September 25, 2015
Register Online – Space is Limited!
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Classes, Workshops, Yamuna Body Rolling.
Register Online – Space is Limited!
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Classes, Uncategorized, Workshops.
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Classes, Feldenkrais, Pilates, Workshops, Yoga.
June Newsletter detailing schedule changes, workshops, series, and upcoming events.
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Classes, Pilates, Workshops, Yoga.
“Warm weather is finally here which means people get crazy trying to get in shape for the beach. If you are about to start doing more extreme fitness, start with getting your feet in shape. Improve their alignment and function. Once you have your foundation solid the rest of the body is easier to align so you can avoid any injuries. Get in shape smart, rather than just jumping in without a plan that supports our body in getting the results you want and avoiding injuries.
“As we all start shedding our heavier closed shoes for lighter shoes, sandals and flip flops we are giving our feet freedom. But freedom without education often translates into collapsed arches, swollen ankles, puffy, pasty, and weak feet. Did you know that you can actually build stronger and improved feet while wearing flip flops?” -Yamuna Zake
In this workshop you’ll learn how to improve the muscles of your legs from working your feet, techniques to help with common foot ailments, and how to walk, especially in flip flops.
Written by Neely on . Posted in Classes, Feldenkrais, Yoga.
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Classes, Feldenkrais, Pilates, reiki, Specials, Tai Chi, Uncategorized, Workshops, Yoga.
Giving Back! Community Food Drive – Class & Event Schedule
November Newsletter: Giving Back Classes, Specials & Discounts
Seasonal Massage & Reiki Specials with Neely Hunter
Autumn 2014 News & Events | New Team, New Services
Reiki Workshops with Cat Rhyne ~ November 2014
Holiday Survival Challenge
Mid-October Newsletter
October Newsletter
Written by Neely on . Posted in Classes, Workshops.
Upcoming Classes & Events |
Yoga in the Park
Friday, November 7, 5:30-6:30pm Queens Square NE
in Downtown Brunswick
Join 6 instructors from 5 local studios for a Full Moon First Friday yoga practice en plein air. Bring a yoga mat or beach towel.
Evening Yin Yoga
Thursday, November 13 6:30-8:00pm ~ with Karen
Community Donation Class
Yamuna Face Ball Demos
Saturday, November 15 with Kandy Duke
Giving Back! Food Drive Event
Skin Care Evaluations
Saturday, November 15 with Esthetician Terri Moore
Giving Back! Food Drive Event
Medicine Dance
Monday, November 17 7:00-8:30pm ~ $10 drop-in
Last Chance to Try It for 2014
Mindful Healing Sessions
Wednesday, November 19 Private Sessions with Cat Rhyne
By Appointment Only ~ Call or Stop By for Availability
Yamuna Body Rolling: Save Your Shoulders+
Wednesday, December 6 11:30am – 1:00pm
Instructor: Kandy Duke | Fee $40
Yoga for Beginners Series
begins Sunday, January 4, 2015
6 Sundays, 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Instructor: Annie Harper
mark your calendar; details to follow
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Skin Care with Terri Moore
Terri is accepting appointments Tuesday – Saturday for facials, waxing and lash/brow tinting. Autumn Special: Complimentary Eyebrow Wax w/ Every Facial
Rewards Program: Refer a Friend & You Each Get $10 Off!
Call 404-290-7709 or Request an Appointment Online
Reflexology with Ronda Porter
Reflexologist and doTerra Oils consultant Ronda Porter will join the Balance team beginning in November. Hours & Services will be posted on our website in the coming week. |
Life Coaching with Trisha Francis
Certified Life Coach and Personal Trainer Trisha Francis also joins the Balance team next month. Check our website for full details about Life Coaching, services, and a special event for our month ofGiving Back!
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Workshops, Yoga.
All Massage Therapists welcome. We’ll spend approximately 30 minutes in open discussion about community, business, or practices that relate to or challenge our profession. This is a state license renewal year so questions about policy or law changes, advertising and gift certificate requirements are on the agenda. After discussion we’ll use our Yamuna Body Rolling balls to review what we learned in our MT Self-Care class and work out some of our kinks! Didn’t take the class? No worries, join us anyway – we’ll share. MT’s will a ball kit should bring it. This is a community share – no studio charge applies. RSVP
Set the tone for the upcoming holiday months… for a stress-free and relaxed you!
Join Karen and celebrate the full moon with a Yin Yoga. In Yin-style yoga the poses are held for around 3 minutes and have a quality of stillness. This works deeply into the hips, pelvis, spine and shoulders to unlock tensions. After you have experienced Yin Yoga even just once, you will realize its profound benefits.
This is a community class – donations are welcome. Give what you can! RSVP
Full Details can be found here. RSVP
Medicine Dance incorporates Intuitive Movement, Musical Meditation, and Body Jazz to create a soulful and ecstatic experience. It is a dance as individual as the dancer that warms up specific body parts, offers a whole body exploration of universal rhythms, uses a blind folded trance dance to world music, help you to follow the breath & move the body, free your mind, feed your soul, and Celebrate the dance of Life! This class is facilitated by psychotherapist Kathy Webb. Medicine Dance is typically scheduled for the 3rd Monday of each month – check the schedule for exact dates.
$10 Drop-In Fee; RSVP
Our twice weekly self-guided Meditation group gets a little assistance from Karen this day. If you’re new to meditation, have trouble meditating on your own, or just want a little guidance getting into your quiet zone, this is the perfect opportunity to join us.
Community Class – Donation Based – Give what you can! RSVP
Save the date! More details to follow.
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Workshops.
Yamuna believes that our feet are the foundation of the body and that Yamuna® Foot Fitness is essential for everyone at any fitness level. Strengthen your feet and you will strengthen your whole body. This workshop gives you simple proactive tools and solutions that can help you alleviate pain and prevent it. Yamuna recommends that you start with the foot wakers to increase flexibility, range of motion and alignment. When you are ready to work in more detail you can begin using our foot savers.
Yamuna® Foot Fitness helps prevent or alleviate common foot problems such as:
Plantar Fasciitis
Morton Neuroma
Flat Feet
Hammer Toes
Fallen Arches
$40 Workshop Registration
Balls are provided for use during class. A Foot Wakers kit (half-balls & DVD) for use at home can be purchased after class.
If you are super physical and are constantly challenging your body you need to add all the Save Your Hips work to your weekly workouts. If you are sedentary and working hours at a computer, you need to keep your hips from getting stuck and rusty in a sitting position. All of us need to keep our hip joints aligned, greased and oiled all though life for maintaining our circulation and muscular – skeletal integrity from our hip to our feet and from our hips to our head. When your thighbones are restricting your movements, it is usually because they are stuck in some position in the hip joint. This class will explore all the possible movements and connections of how to work the hip joint to the thighbone. We will work the hamstrings, quadriceps, adductors, IT band and deep lateral rotators.
$30 workshop registration
Balls are provided during workshop for use. Kits are available for sale after class for home use.
Written by Neely on . Posted in Body Rolling, Workshops, Yoga.
Saturday, September 13 – Align & Flow with Karen will not meet to make room in the studio for our Yamuna Workshop. Class will return to the schedule at 9:30am on Saturday, September 20.
Sunday, September 14 – Gentle Kripalu Yoga with Brian will be at 4:30pm instead of its normal time at 4pm to make room for our Yamuna Body Rolling Self-Care for LMTs workshop. September 21 we will have Yoga in the Park instead of Gentle Kripala and September 28, class will return to its normal time and place at 4pm in the studio.
image credits:
Moon image from Yoga Journal
Partner image from Partner Yoga dot org
Park image from Parusha Studio dot org